Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Power of Dreams and Patience

Believe in your dreams, and what you seek! Never underestimate them. Once, I met a boy, he said "I'm just someone that likes to dream, dream, and dream. Can I be great one day?" What will you say if you hear that? Maybe you'll  just say "What a lazy boy" or "Can't he do anything else? This is the real world! Wake up KID!"..

Them, I just said to him :
Keep on dreaming my friend, and Do your best to achieve it, then, you’ll see the great light of hope. The hope to live, the hope to rise. But never stop on dreaming, because, only from your dreams, is where you start.
Do You know? Almost every great peoples had their dreams.. They Done everything they can to achieve it. Even, they have to passed lots of hard days.. Peoples calls them "What a freak, idiot!" but they never stopped. 
Let's see Some of them :

Thomas Alfa Edisson :
Kicked out from school, because his teacher said that he's an idiot

Einstein :

His class teacher hated him, because he learns by using his own methods.

Prophet Muhammad :
Our Great Prophet. Rasulullah SAW. People thinks he's mad, and really hates him.

And, what did they do?

Thomas Alfa Edisson, the man he found light. Einstein, the most known  scientist. Rasulullah SAW. The man who teached the true light of islam.

And, they didn't become known in an instant! They need lot's of time, days, months, even years! But they have a great guide, that leads them to a country called "success". That guide is an old locomotive called "Patience". It is an old, and slow locomotive. And to make it work, you have to fill it with special ores called "Effort" all the time.

That's why, just be patient and keep on trying, never ever give up, because the or else locomotive will stop..

And, this is my first post! Hope I can make lot's in the future ;D

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